Sunday, 1 August 2010

Last of the ceiling down

Pulled the ceiling down in the front room this weekend. Figured it would be easier for the electricians to install the cabling, than working through floorboards, and it would mean we retain the use of all the rooms upstairs.

Interestingly enough you can get approximately 20sq m of artexed ceiling into the boot of a 3-series bmw. I know, cos I did it. Said BMW is also now sporting a set of roof-bars, and is the chariot of choice when collecting anything too long to fit in the blue-dude. The dude is preferably otherwise, being a sensible hatchback.
Also started bagging up and removing the insulation from the loft, this'll make it easier for the electricians to install the lighting upstair, and reduce the risk of someone putting a foot through the ceiling. There's tons of it up there, the regulation 450mm and then some. As the boiler is going up there as well, it makes sense to clear a space for the gas fitter to do his thing as well.

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