Friday, 27 August 2010

Ceilings boarded

I'd taken wednesday, thursday & friday as holiday to assist the plasterer in fitting the ceiling boards, given their size (8x4) they're more than one person to handle, so a second pair of hands
would have been needed. Wednesday was to finish off all the little jobs that were required before the ceilings could go up - largely connecting data socket positions via 20mm conduit to a location in the airing-cupboard so I can pull cables to the sockets later, also little things like completeing the installation of the cooker extract ducting.

My brother also popped by and we removed the patio door dividing the living room and the dining room, more suprises were unearthed, amongst them a really nice hardwood frame (sadly useless to us) wierd glue still semi-fluid, and yet more carpet under the footboard. Still not sure what to do with the patio doors, they're currently parked around the side of the house, awaiting inspiration/sale/destruction.

The ceilings went up largely without incident, though we did discover one joist was of unusual toughness and just snapped all the screws we tried driving into it. Thankfully they were mostly level (only one or two were a bit high), though of differing spacing, so each board needed to be cut at least once to finish on a joist (the idea is that the imperial sized boards will fit onto ceiling joists without needing to be cut - yeah right..)

So by the end of friday we had ceilings - already a change could be felt, especially for the cat who was quite unnerved by the sound of someone moving around on the floorboards upstairs. Unfortunately we're still largely without lights downstairs, and will be until second fix gets the lighting circuits terminated. We have several useful shaped offcuts and also a whole sheet of ceiling board left over, which will be useful in doing the ceilings over the stairs and the porch. I'm glad I over-ordered, rather than under ordered.

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