To give an idea of what we're starting from, here's a bunch of pictures of the place on aquisition:
The Kitchen
The conservatory
The dining room
The living room, to the front, the doors shown leads to a small 3ft x 3ft cupboard that protrudes into next doors space, in the same way we have a corner missing from our room. Odd eh. We call it 'Narnia'
The living room, fireplace, with coal fire and back boiler. The boiler heats rest of the house via a storage cylinder and radiators.
Some unexciting stairs. The excitement comes in trying to turn anything around at the bottom of them.
The airing cupboard, containing an elderly hot water storage cylinder, mentioned earlier. In the attic above is a pair of tanks, a header for the hotwater and a cold-water store.
The circulating pump for the heating system is on the floor of the cupboard, controlled via the switch on the 13A socket supplying it.
The bathroom. Thankfully recently refitted and will be largely untouched in phase 1 of our renovations.
The back bedroom, bedroom 2, guest bedroom, etc.. Recently decorated.
Master bedroom, front bedroom, etc.. Again recently decorated.
Bedroom 3, Box room, etc. This will become the office. To the left of the window is an alcove as deep as the stair width, a handy dumping ground/storage space for bits of computer I think. Floor is laminate, though irritatingly one piece is cut a bit short by the wall behind the door, leaving a hole.